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2RO DC24..48V/5A AC24..230V/5A (5 units per packing unit)
2RO DC24..48V/5A AC24..230V/5A (5 units per packing unit)
2RO DC24..48V/5A AC24..230V/5A (5 units per packing unit)
2RO DC24..48V/5A AC24..230V/5A (5 units per packing unit)
5 electronic modules for ET 200S, 2 DO Relay
Electronic module for ET 200S, 2DO relay 24V - 48V DC/5A, 24V AC
5 Electronic modules for ET 200S, 2DO relay 24V DC- 230V DC/5A
5 Electronic modules for ET 200S, 2DO 24-230V AC
5 Electronic modules for ET 200S, 8DO Sink Output 24V DC/0,5A
Electronic module for ET 200S, 8DO 24V DC/0.5A
5 Electronic modules for ET 200S, 4DO Sink Output 24V DC/0,5A
5 Electronic modules for ET 200S, 4DO standard 24V DC/2A
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