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3KC0 (MTSE) mounting concept and accessories, front operating mechanism on left, 3-pole or 4-pole, sizes 3 to 5
3KC0 (MTSE) mounting concept and accessories, front operating mechanism on left, 3-pole or 4-pole, sizes 3 to 5
3KC8 (ATSE) mounting concept and accessories, 3-pole or 4-pole
3KC4 (RTSE) mounting concept and accessories, 3-pole or 4-pole
3KC6 (ATSE) mounting concept and accessories, 4-pole
3KC3 (RTSE) mounting concept and accessories, 4-pole
Load transfer, 3KC Transfer control devices
3KC Transfer switching equipment, size 2, with direct handle
3KC4/8 transfer switching equipment: outgoing side, direct connection rotated 90° with load bridge (2000 up to 2500 A)
3KC4/8 transfer switching equipment: infeed side, direct connection rotated 90° (2000 up to 2500 A)
3KC4/8 transfer switching equipment: outgoing side, direct connection rotated 90° (2000 up to 2500 A)
3KC4/8 transfer switching equipment: infeed side, direct connection (2000 up to 2500 A)
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